I N T E R M E D I A • N O T E S & E X C E R P T S
When Fluxus was invited to the famous Soho-Berlin exhibition in 1976, Miller was sent ahead to produce the elaborate Flux Labyrinth. He there presented “The Suitcase”, a live event with projections and found object, and performed in the Flux Harpsichord Concert along with other artists of the collective including George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Nam June Paik, Ben Vautier, Joe Jones, Robert Watts.
Miller’s essential video interview w. Maciunas is well known, translated, cited and widely distributed. (see section on Artists Videos). It expanded into an extensive project of detailed conversations with other artists of the collective. After Maciunas departed, Larry organized the Flux-Concert at The Kitchen in NYC in 1979, which was based on careful research from extant performance scores, with a mission to be inclusive of the many associated artists. Following in 1983, Miller then organized the Flux Concert at The Neuberger Museum, presenting classic works by numerous performers including Ay-O, Robert Watts, Alison Knowles, Dick Higgins and Yasunao Tone. Subsequently, Miller continued to organize and present concerts, projects and events at the requests of Dick Higgins, Alison Knowles, Nam June Paik, René Block, and for commissions by the Walker Art Center, Santa Barbara Museum, Whitney Museum, Seoul NYMAX and more.
Videotapes of compelling interview/conversations with the other artists, including footage from events Miller organized and directed in New York, Germany, Netherlands, London, Korea and the US, plus from many performances “on the road” in Europe with the collective group of Fluxus and related artists, are currently being organized for further study as original research material.
Among many examples, the list below represents historical projects for the public that have been critically defined through the term “Intermedia” to underscore the many threads of practice within the fabric of Fluxus, performance art and the Fluxus collective:
- Flux Sports/Flux Olympiad (presented at Rutgers University, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Tate Modern).
- Motor Vehicle Sundown Event by George Brecht (presented in Santa Barbara, Cologne, Newark, Basel, Miami).
- Fluxus Ala Carte (representative scores offered on an elaborate “menu”, delivered to audience by performers). (presented at Judson Church, NYC, Amsterdam Hilton, Chicago Arts Club).
In 1979, Miller organized the first official Fluxus concert after Maciunas departed, carefully researching the pieces that are now considered “classic” Fluxus scores, to an over-crowded audience at The Kitchen, then on Broome Street in Soho, NYC. Videotape of this concert is widely available and demonstrates the enthusiastic response. For in depth analysis of the concert and its resounding effects, please see article on The Kitchen Archives.

Individual performance by Miller within a larger group of presentations at Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich in DATE needed, references multiple takes on the noted hare in performances of Joseph Beuys, who was famously associated with Fluxus in the early 60s when he joined performers Emmett Williams, George Maciunas, Dick Higgins and others in Weisbaden.
The Tate Flux Olympiad and Flux Concerts were designed as spectacle-scale events, transforming the Turbine Hall into a multi-level performance space and sports arena in May of 2008. Miller organized three days of concerts, ambient experiences and sports events, adapting the originating proposal by Maciunas for a Flux Olympiad (1960) and presenting classic Fluxus scores performed by multiple performers in concert format.
Above, from left: Balloon Race, Slow Bicycle Race, Zen Sprint, Headstand, Flux Chess and Drip Music by George Brecht. All photos © and courtesy of Elin von Spreckelsen and Tate Modern.
VIEW Flux Olympiad at Tate Modern (below). Excerpt ends at 3:01.

The First Art Show in the History of the Internet
Background Statement by Iligili (Gil Shaar) © 2006
The site was conceived in early 1994 by Nam June Paik. The launching of the site coincided with the opening of the SeOUL NY Max Mediale – A Fluxus Reunion, which took place in NYC on October 8 to November 6 1994, at Anthology Film Archives. This site was the first art show in the history of the Internet, and the first migration of Fluxus artists into the World Wide Web. Paik contacted me about curating and designing the site, which I gladly volunteered to do,
with the endless help of Larry Miller. At that time I had never heard of Fluxus. However, the more I was exposed to their art, the more it was blowing my mind, how much my own work was similar to the works of this art movement. Working with Larry on this project, earned me the name “Baby Fluxus”, something that today I am very proud of.
Shortly after publishing the site, it was “robbed” by Paul Garrin, who changed the password and excluded anyone else from making any further changes.
Paul changed my designs without permission, re-invented the credits to include himself & others, and also removed any trace of my art from the Mediale section. Over the years, the site has stopped to function. Therefore, harming this very important part of the Internet’s and Fluxus history. The image above is based on artwork by George Maciuas. It was redesigned and colorized by me. The audio is “Toilet Piece” by Yoko Ono. An exclusive performances for Fluxus Online.
Thank you George Maciunas, Nam June Paik and Larry Miller, and to all you MotherFluxers who paticipated in this online first.
ILIGILI, Cartagena De Indias, Colombia, 2006.